It's been a while since I've written. Time has just slipped between my fingers. March was filled with one week teams; dedicated students who chose to spend their precious spring breaks serving alongside us instead of "partying it up" in Cancun. I wish I could say when I was their age I made that same decision. They were such an encouragement to us; to see that Christianity is alive among youth in America. We all know how easy it is to get caught up in our culture that so values self-sufficiency, materialism and independence. But, these students came seeking the Lord and desiring to further their faith.
Tomorrow we start our busy season. Three weeks ago our medical site took a morning to worship and pray about our summer. We will once again welcome an intern to work alongside us for three months and have 7 consecutive two week teams, with around four students on each outreach joining the community health site.
And so, this morning I began my more intensive preparations. When I first opened my site having teams felt a bit like juggling. I myself was in the process of language learning, cultural transition, building relationships and
trying to start clinics. At times, integrating students felt incredibly overwhelming.
Three years in, I'm a bit more comfortable. Our clinics are going great as we opened a new one in La Joya and next week will start in Los Coralles (we now have a presence in 8). New communities and patients don't intimidate me like they used to. The Dominican side of my job now feels more familiar than the American! Go figure!
But, it is an exciting time. As a ministry, we are walking our students through the Beatitudes. Every morning after a teaching by a missionary and quiet time you will find my medical team delving deeper into the word before trekking into the communities. We will walk through what it means to be meek and have mercy on others. Terms spoken so fluidly yet not commonly understood. We will try to incorporate this most famous sermon of Christ into our clinics, after all we are missionaries first.
I will also challenge my students to share a bible verse and explanation at each clinic with patients, myself translating. Prayers will be done and houses will be visited. It will be a full summer of ministry.
If I may also ask for your prayers as I've been chosen to be part of a prayer night with the students. A fellow missionary and I will be leading an anointing opportunity to students who are ready to commit further in their faith or respond to a calling. I feel far from adequate, but know the Holy Spirit is in me and as long as I stay in tune to that still voice it will be God's work and not my own.
Thank you for all of you that hold us close in prayer! Many of you have received my letter that shares my desire to stay in Jarabacoa for at least two more years. I believe there is still work God needs to do through me with students, my assistants, nurses and patients before returning stateside. I appreciate your consideration in continuing to support me! I feel incredibly blessed and will carry those prayers through the summer's intense ministry!