We've had a pancake breakfast with a local school to fundraise for the church. We've helped at pulgas (flea markets) and collected donations after a fire left close to 20 people homeless.
Yesterday as I looked around this church, I realized this place that felt so foreign and uncomfortable to me so long ago has become like home. Even though I haven't been in regular attendance at their Haitian church service (it's held in Creole) I absolutely feel embraced by them. I knew almost every face in the congregation and had a story to match.
How wonderful it was to worship together one last time.
How wonderful it was to worship together one last time.
Yesterday, Pastor NoJean invited both Katie and myself to stand before the church as we presented Katie as my replacement and they prayed for me. I was brought close to tears when he called me a "daughter of the church." I can't possible think of a greater honor.
And so, I give thanks to the Lord for allowing me to know these incredible followers of Him. And will continue to pray for the partnership between this church and the community health site.