Sunday, January 8, 2012

Matthew 28:19

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."         Matthew 28:19

New Missionary Training- Team DR!!  Karen & Mike, Kenny & Karen, Brian, Eric, Kim and me
In the Sequoias of Cali!!

Back in NY....back to reality....back to sitting in my bedroom reflecting on the last couple of days while enjoying some Ben & Jerry's.  All I can think as I'm going through my pictures from this trip is how God has answered my prayers in such a magnificent way.

Two years ago I pleaded to Him.  I begged Him.  Take me away.  I was sitting on a beach in Las Terrenas, DR.  It was night time and I was alone on a picnic table looking at the remarkable night sky.  It was the last night of my church's short term mission trip.  The next day I was leaving for the states.  To return to my life in Manhattan.  A life I had created, a selfish creation that didn't take Him into account.  I worked in a job that was far less than fulfilling and that was slowly eating away at me.  I had lost myself.  I was just barely breathing.  I pleaded a prayer of desperation to our Creator.  I told him I will follow him wherever He wanted me to go.  If that place was the Dominican Republic than bring me there.  Show me your will.  Let me live my life as You desire. 

And He answered.  Friends, I could never have dreamed this life that awaits me.  That He would provide an organization filled with humble Christians.  Christians that walk with a limp and love Jesus.  That desire to serve our Father with every ounce of their being.  That believe in helping the poor in foreign countries to such an extent that they must live in those foreign countries.  Who believe that Christ asks us to care for our neighbors and love them as He loves us.

The last 5 days have been incredible.  And as predicted, I couldn't be more excited for what lays ahead.  I am so humbled that this is the journey I'm on.  That the dream I have dreamt for as long as I can remember is coming true.

I spent four nights in Visalia, CA which is a town about 45 minutes south of Fresno and the home of Students International.  There were 15 new missionaries who flew out.  All in various stages of this process.  Which means, I am not alone!!  There are others who are going through fund raising and telling their bosses they are leaving and language school, etc.  8 of us are going to the DR, 2 to Fiji, 2 to Nicaragua and 3 to Costa Rica.

It was incredible to see what has transpired in each person's life that has brought them to this point.  We were able to share our testimonies and plans for each of our sites.  Every missionary will have a different role in their country.  In the DR we have a new country director, microfinance missionary, special education missionaries, social work missionary and youth ministry missionaries....and me (in case you need to be brought up to care!!).  

We spent time going over HR stuff.  The nitty gritty of finances with a non-profit organization.  And, my favorite, we got know SI staff that work at headquarters.  All those incredible people who recruit students for outreaches and handle our state side finances and obligations, etc.  It was so great to see the outstanding people who are supporting us from afar.

I was beyond humbled by the people I will be serving with and the generosity of their hearts.  It appears there will be a good amount of new staff when I arrive to the DR which is nice.  I won't be the only one  :)

On Friday we were able to take an excursion to the Red Wood trees.  Which were so beautiful....and OLD!!!  How crazy to stand next to a living thing that is thousands of years old.  Oh the things those trees have seen.

So, here I am.  Work tomorrow.  Back to fund raising.  But, my eye is on the prize.  And He will continue to carry me.  And, perhaps my time to tell my Doc will come a little sooner than my fire burns brighter for the DR I can't see myself living in this divided state much longer.

Single Girl Missionaries!!  Mackenzie- Costa Rica, Meghan- Fiji, Kim- DR, Tara- Costa Rica

 Me and Kim!!

General Grant; 3rd largest tree in the world!!  40 ft in diameter and 1700 yrs old!!

Teenage Sequoia trees...still a 1000 yrs old!!

1 comment:

  1. SO good to see you tonight...SO GOOD to read this! How exciting!!!!! We need to talk!
