Sunday, December 2, 2012

....made to do

Today the Spirit moved strongly and passionately through my life.  What sweet words to utter with complete confidence and conviction.

On Wednesday, I spent the afternoon visiting communities with Brian who is the director of Students International in the DR.  Finalmente!  We got down and dirty and started planning and talking and vision building and dreaming.  It seems the Lord has clearly been speaking to both of us about my site and our visions align. 

What the Dominicans and Haitians need is healing.  Physical healing from years of living without clean water, proper nutrition, residing side by side with animals, inadequate shelter and clothing.  But also spiritual healing from strained relations cross culturally and idol worship through voodoo or various improper forms of Christianity among other things.

But the populations placed so heavily upon our hearts are the "least of these."  Those Dominicans who live so far outside of Jarabacoa that electricity and running water is non-existent.  Those whose primary modes of transportation is by foot, which is entirely useless with a medical emergency.  And the people who run to see who is actually driving by in a car, not often seen in those areas.

Not such a bad view from my new office, huh?
Tucked away inside these majestic hills are pockets of communities, perhaps only 10-15 houses each, who don't have the opportunity to receive routine medical care, let alone emergent care.  These are the places I will begin relationship building and hopefully start regular clinics and teaching sessions.  This is where I am being led to set up shop...part time.
The rest of the time will be spent with Haitians...a culture completely different from Dominican yet inhabiting the same regions.  SI recently was placed in partnership with a Haitian man, Ivenor, who is trilingual and has a huge heart for helping Haitian refugees in the Dominican.  I met with Ivenor Wednesday and asked what the best way to start building relationships with this culture whom I have very little experience.  What would seem to be the obvious answer he stated when inviting me to church.
And so I went.  Today.  To a Haitian church.  Just thought I would throw some Creole into my brain as its just now becoming decent in Espanol.  And, as I was sitting there as the only white person in the place I felt the presence of the Lord and knew that He will move among these people.  At the end of the service I spoke a few words, in English and Spanish that were translated to Creole and shared my desire to partner with them in the future.  What an honor, to stand before these brothers and sisters in Christ who have been layed so firmly on my heart.
So this week will continue meetings with SI leadership, Ivenor and community leaders as we plan the amazing work ahead of us. 
And right now you will find me smiling.  Knowing and trusting that this is what I was made to do.

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