Friday, November 25, 2011


"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."      1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

In this season of thankfulness, I'm overwhelmed by a mix of emotions.  I have so many blessings in my life, as so many of us do.  In America, we tend to be thankful for the "big" things.  A nice house, fabulous car, great clothes, or any number of materialistic possessions we can dream up.  I was grateful that at the Thanksgiving service at HRC on Wednesday we were thankful for not just a roof over our head, but the "basic" things we take for granted.  Water that quenches our thirst.  Food that nourishes our bodies.  A wonderful community of faithful believers.

On Wednesday night, I couldn't help but think of how I have not felt pangs of hunger.  I have no idea what it feels like to be a mother trying to feed my children with absolutely no resources available.  I think a common question among non-believers revolves around the notion that if our Heavenly Father was truly so great and wonderful, why doesn't he end hunger, thirst, suffering?  This is the picture they are missing.  Our maker loved us so much that He gave us the power of free will.  Since the Garden of Eden, we have been messing things up.  It breaks His heart to look at our shattered world.  To see all the brokenness.  Yet, He loves us despite these faults.  Despite our wrong choices century after century hurting His beloved creations, His children.  He loves us even though our allocation of resources have caused so many to be lacking.  We have caused hunger, famine, global warming, war, etc.  Yet, He forgives us.  This is what I am thankful for.  The grace and mercy of our Father.  Forgiving us for hurting His children.

I can't help but think where I will be at this point next year.  Will I even celebrate Thanksgiving in the Dominican Republic?  I truly hope so.  Even a tropical thanksgiving with rice and beans by myself.  Perhaps I can even be "skyped" into my family's Thanksgiving table.  I am so blessed with all the technology we have that will enable me to still be in contact with my family.

I pray that you are all having a wonderful and joyful Thanksgiving Holiday filled with love, happy memories and true Thanksgiving for the most wonderful sustenance of all, the love of our Father.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yeah, we sure are going to celebrate Thanksgiving in the DR next year!! Can't wait!!! XXOO
