Friday, April 4, 2014

Patient Up Dates and Prayer Requests

I am so grateful for the prayers you send my way as I care for each and every patient.  Below is an update and further requests for four very special people that are near and dear to my heart.

Julian Hock

Julian is doing wonderfully.  He is a vibrant four year old with lots of energy, smiles and hugs.  If you remember, his mom Catalina was my Spanish teacher and is now on staff with Students International running our social work site in Los Higos.  Julian had a fractured left tibia which caused him an extreme medial deviation of that leg.  I am so excited to say that his deformity is almost completely healed after a rod was placed by missionary doctors in Santo Domingo in August 2012...only one month after my arrival to the DR!  He has a follow-up appointment in July at which point the orthopedist will determine when the rod needs to be taken out.  Please continue to pray for his healing.


Roseny is my dear Haitian friend.  I met her over a year ago at the Haitian church I occasionally attend.  She speaks fairly decent Spanish and moved to Jarabacoa 12 years ago from Haiti to look for a better life.  She is a devout Christian and is continuously offering what little she has to her neighbors.  She volunteers her time on Wednesdays with me to translate for Haitians that do not speak Spanish, what an incredible blessing she is for me.  Roseny has 3 adorable sons and recently discovered she is yet again pregnant.  This is worrisome as she had pre-ecclampsia with her last child and has had uncontrolled Hypertension since.  She has seen a cardiologist and we are keeping a close watch on her...but she still has 7 months until her due date.  Please keep my friend close to your prayers and heart!


We continue to pray for a miracle with Milagros as her surgery date is quickly approaching.  She continues to miss a lot of work and struggle with compliance, but we pray her diabetes and blood pressure will be controlled enough for her parotidectomy scheduled on April 14th.  Please continue to pray for her understanding and healing!


Juana's family has become my Dominican family.  She is standing next to her husband in the pink.  She has graciously opened her home to me and my students for multiple dinners.  Last year she was diagnosed with Stage 3 fatty liver disease...the stage before transplant.  This past week she has suffered a flare and was hospitalized.  We only have one gastroenterologist who comes to town once a week...I will be attending her meeting with him today.  Please pray that we are able to control the pain, bloating and fluid production that she is suffering and that she isn't progressing.

Thank you for being a part of my work in the Dominican.  Please let me know how I may better pray for each of you!

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