Friday, December 30, 2011

As God guides, He provides

Happy Holidays friends!  I hope everyone is having a splendid and blessed Holiday season!  Isn't it crazy that 2012 is just around the corner?  I can't believe it!!  If someone had told me in 2009 I wouldn't get to the DR full time until 2012 I would have been super annoyed.  Sometimes not knowing God's time line for us isn't a bad thing!  Especially for someone as impatient as me (not an endearing quality!).

When I left Jarabacoa in July as a newly accepted missionary, the last thing I wanted to do was return to the states and my old life.  I wanted to dig in.  To start my ministry site!!  My mind started racing full of ideas.  None including the following year of fund raising.  Because, let's be real, who wants to fund raise?  As missionaries we just want to jump in.  We want to start loving people.  To start helping people.  To do what  we're called to do.  How can raising money be a part of that?  Seriously?

Oh how silly I am.  Thank goodness I'm not in control.  Thank goodness I didn't just blindly move to the DR.  Thank God I had time of discernment and now this time of fund raising.  Yup.  I said it.  I like fund raising.  And, this is the really crazy one, I like public speaking.  Let me tell you why.

I have the absolute privilege of seeing how the Holy Spirit moves.  I get to one hundred percent trust in Christ in every aspect of my life and watch how my trust is rewarded.  His faithfulness continues to unfold.  A wise missionary once told me (thanks Kim!!) "He brought me to this place and He will not abandon me."  Duh, Rachel.  The fact that at times I doubt the absolute glory and power that Christ has is insane.  He laughs at my monthly expenses.  He smiles at my human doubts that I will ever raise that much money.  He continues to prove me wrong.

And the people I have met through fund raising.  The incredibly giving Christians that I have had the opportunity to sit and speak with.  To share with them how Christ is moving in the DR and in/through my life!!  And people are excited.  How fun it is to speak to people who are excited by my journey!!  Thank you thank you for all of you who believe in my ministry!

I am also learning oh so much.  I don't think I  truly understood what giving meant until now.  Every time I look in my SI account and see a new supporter or faithful continued supporter, I am humbled.  This is not about me.  This is about Him.  This is all about a commission so much greater than I can imagine.  When trying to thank a recent supporter they explained that they believe "As God guides, he provides."  Oh thank you for reminding me of His promise.

And so I leave you with that.  As 2011 closes and 2012 begins, I ask you to contemplate those words.  Follow Christ.  Let Him be the guide.  And trust that He will provide.  Open your hearts and your souls to His word and celebrate another year to enjoy His creation!

Happy New Year!!  XoXo

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