Friday, April 20, 2012

Sometimes, if you keep your eyes open, we are privileged to be witnesses to the love of God that can only be as such. This happened to me several wks ago and I have not been able to stop thinking of how powerful that can be. I pray that I may love with such intensity and without reservation as this incredibly humble couple I met while in Mexico two weeks ago.

They couldn't possibly be much older than me. He in school for counseling, she a church secretary. They met several years ago through Young life. Being brought together through God's grace. They married and dreamed of the life they would have together, not sure children fit in that picture. Then they were led to Gabriel House. They fell in love with the incredible work devoted Christians were doing in the lives of these parent-less children. And oh they returned, multiple times. Their hearts breaking for what breaks His.

And then came the unthinkable, and they listened. And they followed without reservation. God spoke to the heart of this faithful woman. She was meant to mother one of these children. A small, speechless, wheelchair bound, severely disabled child. Probably only 8 or 9 years old. With a smile that could light up a room and eyes that could melt your heart. This young couple did not say no. They did not challenge or question God. They accepted His gift and are in the process of adopting her. They are fully aware how their lives will change. They know the financial cost. They understand that she needs 24/7 care. They are well aware that free time will no longer be free, that vacations will not be like a "normal" family's vacation. But they don't care. They love this child. They see her as a gift. They are willing to take sacrifices, that they may not even see as sacrifices.

Wow. I wish I could say that if God asked me to adopt a child with severe disabilities at the age of 27 I would be obedient, but I just dont know if I would be. I would probably run away and try to foolishly hide from our creator that we can truly never hide from. But, how blessed am I to be a witness to this kind of obedience and love. The secular world may call their decision insane. The Christian world, living like Jesus. I hope that I live a life that appears insane, but resembles the call of insanity and love Christ demands of us. I pray that we all take a step into obedience and love, in whatever form that may take. And that we may continue to grow in our faith and on this journey in a way that deepens our faith and allows us to live radically.

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