Friday, April 27, 2012

Well. My first patient found out. I mean, it was bound to happen. I just can't believe no one found out until now, I certainly haven't been fundraising quietly! In fact, I'm fairly certain I've been as loud as I can be! And it was a patient I was certain would not handle my departure well as he is fairly attached. But, as so much through this journey, our conversation went very smoothly. He could not stop telling me how exciting it was! He was sad for my patients here, but he "got it."

Ok, I decided, it's time to start telling other patients. So I tried it out on another. This is a very faithful woman who I see on an every 3 month basis. All I said was "I have accepted the opportunity to be a medical missionary in the Dominican Republic" and she started crying, actually sobbing. I was a little confused. We have a great relationship but she isn't as attached to me as my chemo patients who I see on a weekly basis. Finally she composed herself and she said "God is just so good, isn't he?" And then, I started crying. So often people tell me how great I am, how awesome it is what I am doing. I really struggle with this. It is not what I'm doing, but how Christ is working in my life. And she completely got it. A pat on the back for the one who really deserves the recognition. So I guess I shall just move forward with my goodbyes.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! (and, you!!) What an awesome confirmation of God's work in you and through you - where you are now, and where He's leading you next. XXOO
