Monday, November 19, 2012

Learn amidst the waiting...

Amidst the animal house that I live in (seriously, a kitten is desperately trying to become part of my family, there are two vacas (cows) standing outside my front porch and 4 stray dogs trying to fraternize with my pups....#onlyintheDR) I find myself pondering....

what am I supposed to learn amidst the waiting?

Here I am, in the Dominican Republic after over three years of working towards mission work, sitting in my kitchen at 2pm on a Monday afternoon.  Hmmm, after working in the "professional" world for 3 years and many years of school prior to that, being home in the middle of the afternoon just doesn't resonate well.  Especialmente porque yo estoy aqui ayudar muchas gentes (Especially, because I am here to help many people)!!

Ok, so I have learned a bit of Spanish and that clearly is the most obvious purpose of these first 4 months.  But, taking four hours of Espanol every morning and then disciplining myself to do many hours of tarea (homework) every night has certainly been a challenge.  Even more so because I live close to other missionaries with SI who are able to solely focus on their ministries.

So, what is the true purpose of waiting and not jumping in head first?  Aside from cultural acclimation and adjustment?

The past two weeks, I continue to be reminded that Jesus wasn't able to jump right into His ministry fact He had to wait 30 years....Thirty years!!  Porque?

We can speculate.  Clearly John the Baptist needed time to lay down his prophetic foundation...the hearts of the Israelites needed to be primed and ready to accept the truth, and well frankly everything is better in God's timing.

So, when I'm feeling inadequate or useless or just know that in a couple months I will long for this "chill" time, I rest in the fact that I and the people I am here to serve are being primed for the encounters we will have oh so soon.

And, as always, God continues to remind me that His timing is always perfect and I may not know why He is giving me this time of rest and preparation but it will be used to Glorify His name in this place.

So soon....I will get to do this......

todo el tiempo


1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOU AND LOVE THIS. always a good word for me to hear - thank you for being honest about what's on your heart and sharing it with others who need to hear it!
