Monday, June 25, 2012

7:20 am Airports.  Either you love em or you hate em.  I happen to love them.  Especially Detroit Airport.  No I'm not in Detroit.  Im sitting in Laguardia.  I don't know if it's just the adventure, people watching (which we know can get pretty darn interesting) or feeling like the world is at your finger tips.  But, I'm fairly certain I feel a bit more like myself when I'm about ready to get on an airplane.

My two weeks of traveling the northeast and spending time with family and friends have commenced.  Since stopping work I have attended a bachelorette party, had a massage (bday present I was saving for when I was no longer on call, would have been great if the masseuse didn't talk so much!), traveled to Delaware and Ocean City, Maryland to spend time with my Philly roommate, dinner with my aunt (a fellow PA!), spoke at Odyssey, went to Hunter mountain for a few days with a college friend, took Jamie to the city, packed for Colorado and DR, helped throw a rehearsal dinner and was a bridesmaid in a wedding.  And who could forget the awesome prayer warriors who met at my house Thurs evening? 

The past two weeks were perfect.  I'm so thankful for whoever convinced me to take them.  They were badly needed to transition from work life to this next phase.  And now I speak to you as I am waiting to board my flight to mission training international in Colorado Springs, CO.  I've had many people ask me what the next 3 weeks entail.  Truthfully, I'm not quite sure.  I've heard MTI helps train you as a cross cultural missionary.  Teaches you how to take care of yourself while out in the field.  And prepares you for spiritual warfare.  But, this is all speculation.  We shall wait and see. 

Prior to leaving for Colorado, I had a wonderful correspondence with my site director in the DR who for all intensive purposes will be my leader/boss/mentor.  All SI missionaries are required to attend MTI before arriving in the field.  His suggestion was that I really limit my communication with the "outside" world for the next 3 wks.  To really be able to focus on Christ and what I am experiencing at this time emotionally and spiritually.  I tend to agree with him.  Respit with Christ is exactly what I need after an amazing but exhausting year of fundraising, work and traveling.  I need to refresh.  To be reminded of why I'm moving.  To serve Him.  And to commune with other missionaries who understand. So this is the last blog entry I will do until I am back in NY July 13th.  Hope everyone has a wonderful fourth of July.  Roast some s'mores for me!! Xoxo

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