Friday, June 29, 2012

Im safe!!!

Good evening. I'm breaking my initial desire to spend the next 3 weeks away from the Internet, email and blogging. But, extenuating circumstances change things a bit. I thank the many of you who have emailed me with concern and have been keeping Colorado Springs in your prayers through this devastating wild fire. I am in fact safe. The past 4 days have been a bit of a blur but filled with incredible blessing.

When I blogged on Monday, never would I have imagined that I would be so close to such a catastrophic disaster. Missionary Training International headquarters and accommodations are located in Palmer Lake which is very close to the Air Force Academy. On Tues they were evacuated and on Wednesday we were. At MTI we learn a lot about being flexible and adapting to various situations, well we got the best possible real life training!! I am so incredibly overwhelmed by the kindness and love shown to us by the surrounding communities, and we are just visitors!!

 Almost 60 of us were welcomed with open arms to stay at a beautiful Baptist church and continue training there. We were incredibly blessed with enough showers, blankets, towels and air mattresses for all of us! This community that had lost over 250 houses and is mourning the loss of thousands of acres by a fire that is still burning, was serving us. I saw Christ over and over and over again the past days. What a blessing.

So, to answer many of your concerns, we are safe! Today we were given the clearance to head back to Palmer Lake and I am writing to you from our shared community room. I will be sure to keep you informed if anything changes. Please keep this wonderful community in your prayers as they are just so sad over the damage, and countless firefighters and emergency responders are working tirelessly.

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