Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I sit before you in tears.  I've been waiting for them to arrive.  I thought they would come as I was saying goodbye to my college roommates.  Or goodbye to my patients.  Or goodbye to my doctor.  But, they didn't.  I wouldn't let them.  But, now as I sit alone on a Tuesday morning in my childhood bedroom completely overwhelmed by His mercy, grace and provision they come.

Matt Redman plays on my ipad.  His words resonate so clearly within my heart.  "The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning.  It's time to sing Your song again.  Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me.  Let me be singing when the evening comes."

I shamefully admit that I have forgotten.  My eyes have lost the focus.  The vision of what this is all about.  I got caught up once again in what I am doing, instead of what He is doing.  As I continue speaking about all the patients I hope to help, I become entirely overwhelmed.  What difference can I truly make?  But, then a gentle reminder that when I said Yes Lord, I will follow you to the Dominican He didn't ask me to do it alone.  He will be with me.  As I continue the goodbyes.  As I travel the northeast visiting friends.  As I go to Mission Training with other missionaries who I'm sure are much farther in their walk than I.  As I depart for the DR.  He will be there.  He will not abandon me.  Not now, not ever.  It is Him that will work, I just have to let Him.

Last Tuesday was the hardest day so far.  I said goodbye to my Tuesday patients.  The patients that for some reason all fall on the same day whom I have seen every week for two years.  The patients that break my heart to be leaving.  And they humbled me with their tears, their love and their support.  I ended the day angry.  Doubting this journey.  Feeling as though my patients here desperately need me!

And then, I step outside to this

Look closely, do you see it??  The most vibrant rainbow I have ever seen.  I felt as if it was placed just for me.  And God reminded me

"When the rainbow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." Genesis 9:16

We serve such a faithful God.  One who cares about us and our feelings.  Even sadness when following His will.  That is what I am grasping.  His rainbow.  His promise.  Our Father.

Last night I was once again reminded how many wonderful people are taking this journey with me and believe in the work Christ is/will be doing in the DR.  There is an incredible girls youth Christ Care group at our church led by a faithful teenager (Shannon Herrmann) who as their mission project decided to make a quilt.  With the help of two incredible women (Beth Lazarro and Colette Varanouskas) a beautiful quilt was made.  This wonderful  group decided to sell raffle tickets and give all proceeds to my patients.  They raised $1050!!  Funds I can use to buy medications and supplies for patients that may otherwise be unable to afford them.  I am so profoundly overwhelmed by their hard work and love for people they have never met.  This is Christ working.

Isn't it beautiful???

Friends, we serve such a glorious God.  Don't forget.  I won't.

"Bless the Lord oh my soul, worship His Holy Name, Sing like never before, oh my soul.  Lord I worship your Holy name." Matt Redman

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