Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm here! I'm here!!

I hope that you forgive me for my absence in the blog-o-sphere.  I know to many people right now is the "exciting stuff," but to those of us who have been through the crazy transition of returning home from MTI then saying a hundred goodbyes (literally) and then relocating to another country- this is perhaps a bit of chaos.  I decided it was best to live in the moment during my initial chaos, then start blogging once I felt a little more stable.  So, here I am.  Here I am.  Here I am.  Here I am.........

HERE I AM!!!!  IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!  No, I am not yelling at you.  This is me jumping up and down with a huge, joyful grin praising the Lord and thanking all my wonderful supporters for bringing me here, at last!!  I'm here!  I'm here!

"Where is here?" you ask.

This I understand because for the last two months I have been a bit of a nomad.  Some would say homeless. I prefer to say faith-filled wanderer.

I arrived to the DR Friday July 27.  I was so worried about that flight.  Not because I am deathly afraid of airplanes, but because my incredible parents and brother all accompanied me to the airport, and this I knew would hurt.  And, it did.  But, we got through it.  And I tried to be thankful that I have people in my life that rock my world so much that it tangibly hurts when we part.  I'm sure it will not get easier each visit home.  But, just part of the whole missionary deal.

My morning view
This past week I have stayed at Students International's base in Jarabacoa with an amazing missionary couple, Mary Ellen and Dick Meyers and their granddaughter Kylie.  They have welcomed me graciously into their home and helped so much with that initial leap.  SI is wrapping up hosting our last short term mission trip student out reach for the summer.  They leave tomorrow and then I move in with my host family, Jocosta who is a single mother in her 30s and her beautiful 15 month old daughter Inesa.  I will be living with them until the end of October, at which point I will move into a beautiful house with two other single girls.

Students International Base
I have been relatively busy since arriving.  Such a blessing, as I haven't truly worked since June 10....which has been semi killing me; ya know the work-a-holic and need to be productive tendencies that encompass who I am.

Monday I spent all morning getting a Dominican cell phone.  My first lesson in what should take 15 minutes took 3 hours.  Ay mami!  Then I learned how to actually take money out of a bank...pretty sure I will have to run through that lesson a few times.

Tuesday I "helped" at the microfinance site.  In quotes because what do I truly know about helping someone start a business?  But, it was amazing to have the opportunity to see another missionary's site and how he incorporates ministry of both American students and Dominicans into his vocational skill.

Preschool in el Callejon
Wednesday I worked with Jocosta (host fam) at a preschool in el Callejon (a small, impoverished community close to base) where she is the site leader.  This was great to get to know her better before living together.  She is bilingual, but we already made a pact that as soon as I start language school (August 13) she will only communicate to me in Spanish.  She already bought a white board to place in her kitchen so she can help me with my homework....can you tell she's a teacher?  Some things are the same regardless of culture!!

The previous art site at SI painted beautiful murals throughout
the community
Thursday I had the privilege of returning to el Callejon, but this time to work with Kim Streeter (my dear missionary friend and mentor) and Daisy (a Colombian missionary leading the site for 5 years!).  This was my dream day.  A day that I have been working towards for 10 years.  A day that in a few short months will be repeated regularly.  Thursdays, Kim and Daisy meet with their female teen and middle-aged groups.  Even though I hadn't prepared and had no supplies, I was given the opportunity to begin teaching.  Daisy introduced me and told the women what we hope my role will be in the future- to speak with them on a monthly basis about various topics and to have regular medical clinics.  These women trust Daisy and Kim, therefore they trusted me.  And we got down and dirty quickly.  Touching upon subjects these beautiful women would never feel comfortable speaking about with a male doctor, if they even had the means to see a doctor.  It kind of felt like old school Loveline, but less vulgar and more love and Jesus!  But you can imagine the topics we covered!

And in that 15 minutes I had with each group, God affirmed loud and clear that I am where He wants me.  With the poor, forgotten, broken women in the Dominican.  Where I can create a safe environment for them to speak and learn about their bodies, their children and public health.  I am overjoyed to work towards these sessions.  I know I still have months of Spanish and site preparation but I am so thankful that this is the work Christ is calling me to  :)

Helena, an intern, helping to bandage the foot of a child who
stepped on glass- lots of teaching on wound care,
wearing clean socks and shoes, etc.
Today has been a successful day of tying up loose ends.  I purchased a car!  Which will be ready Monday.  Perfect timing as Jocosta doesn't have transportation and as I won't be living on base I was getting slightly worried that I would be stranded in town, away from the missionaries.  I also secured stateside phone numbers to keep in good contact with everyone I love back home!  Then, tonight we have the end of outreach banquet.  We do this the last Friday of each outreach to celebrate the service the students have provided while working in the DR.

As you can see, I have been abundantly blessed through my first week, at a time that could have been ridiculously tumultuous.  I think I am living proof that when we faithfully place our lives in God's hands He will take care of us even more abundantly than we could ever hope or imagine.  Stay tuned.

"As the scripture has said 'Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:38

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    Elissa and I look forward to following your journey, and I have to speak for both of us when I say that we're a mite bit jealous of your bravery and trust in the Lord to take this step. We hope to make it down soon.


    Ryan & Elissa Castor
